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Hey there! Welcome to my amazing portfolio.

I'm mostly known as Gizzy online but over the years I've went through a couple usernames. I'm just a chaotic person who likes to code >:3
At the moment you are seeing the new theme for this site! I inspired it off a terminal theme and I personally think it looks nice.
I hope you enjoy the site and maybe check out my about page, projects and see how to contact me in the contact section.

Hey! Cool you decided to check out my about section. I see you want to know more about me well you shall be granted your request.
As you know I go by Gizzy online and my real life name is REDACTED sorry but thats too personal for you to know anyway I like to code as you may know but I also like to game.
I tend to play games like Minecraft, Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and Protoshock (I'm on its server backend developer team for the game :D).
As you wouldn't get my real name I will give you something else personal about me I have a disabilty called Dyspraxia.
People online tend to find my personality annoying so if you find me annoying to just like ignore me I don't care that you find me annoying so.

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